Have you ever thought about hosting or producing your own TV or radio show? This is the ultimate in expert marketing. When you are the host, you are the subject expert. Viewers or listeners turn to you to learn more about your knowledge.
Mass media is still very powerful. Programming can attract your target audience over time, creating a cash cow for your company. As an example, if you own a home repair business, you could create a show demonstrating simple repairs. The show attracts homeowners interested in the content. You are the expert. So when the homeowner runs into a project too big for their skills, they will remember you!
This creates “cocktail napkin” marketing. When networking for your business, you stand out as more than just another home repair business. You are the person on TV or radio giving advice.
The more recent example of this model is Fixer Upper. Chip and Joanna Gaines’ company has gone from a small family run business to an enterprise.

Some savvy businesses create shows that attract their target demo through entertainment. For example, if a company creates a widget and their market research shows that women 18-26 are most likely to buy the widget, they create entertaining content that brings in females ages 18-26 and run advertising for their widget.
This is not a new concept; businesses have been creating shows to drive an audience since the invention of mass media. The soap companies worked with the BBC to produce radio dramas to draw in an audience that wanted to buy soap. When TV came along they took the concept to video. That is why we call daytime dramas, “soap operas.”
Perhaps you are ahead of the curve and you are already producing a show in a local market or online. We can take that show and place it on distribution we have already secured.
So whether you are new to the concept of producing or hosting your own program or have a show you are ready to take national, we can help. Click on the Contact Us page to set a call with one of our team members. We look forward to talking to you, but most of all we look forward to getting results for your business.