Video marketing in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Austin and Los Angeles by appearing on local TV.
Looking for a new solution for TV advertising in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Austin or Los Angeles? Showcase how you are an expert in your field. Don’t just talk about how good you are, let our trained TV hosts highlight why people should do business with you by interviewing you on TV. Local advertising with Centerpost produces both direct and indirect results from your interview. Potential customers in your local market see the interview on television, with you presented as the expert in in your field. Then place that video interview on your website, providing 3rd party validation for your product or service.
Having video on your business’s website and social media is no longer an extra. According to Forbes Magazine, 88% of internet users will spend more time on a website that has video than a website that does not. The same study shows that 64% of internet users are more likely to buy a product after watching a video.
Centerpost Media, through its local BizTV networks, is a different kind of video production company for Dallas-Ft. Worth, Austin and Los Angeles.