21 Jul TV Advertising Does Not Have To Be Expensive
In today’s new world there are some exciting things happening and some scary things. When you look at the impact of Covid 19 you can see lots of changes prompted by the pandemic. TV, marketing and online activities have been greatly affected. The TV audiences are greater, the use of online has risen to a whole new level and marketing has become much more integrated into the digital realm. There are also some great things happening with the way we purchase and use cable and broadcast television. A television viewer may discover many new channels available with the traditional TV antenna.
On most televisions, the antenna connection on the back is not even in use. This is a good time to put that vacant connection to valuable use. In some cities there are 100 channels available free with the use of a simple antenna. If you’re looking for one, I can recommend looking at Channel Master products. I have included a link to make it easy. https://www.channelmaster.com/Smartenna_Indoor_TV_Antenna_p/cm-3001hd.htm (by the way I have no financial interest in Channel Master).
If you are an advertiser there is an exciting new way to efficiently buy advertising. It’s membership buying.
The free TV channels are just part of the story though. If you are an advertiser there is an exciting new way to efficiently buy advertising. It’s membership buying. While PBS has been offering memberships for years, it is new to Commercial TV broadcast. Pioneered by new entrants to broadcasting this approach utilizes a fixed monthly fee to own a large part of the station ad spot inventory. Some models limit the number of advertisers and offer exclusive categories.
This approach allows the station to have stable cash flow and lowers the cost significantly to the advertiser. So, for a low monthly fee the advertiser receives a dominant position in the programming and can build frequent and valuable communications with its customers. The exclusivity means other competitors will not be able to advertise on the station. This reduces the dilution an advertiser experiences when advertised with multiple competitors in the same time block. To lean more visit. https://cenpostmedia.com/ .