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Break the Patterns That Hold You Back
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Break the Patterns That Hold You Back

Break the Patterns That Hold You Back

If I could offer the one secret to growing your business, would you be interested? In truth there is no magic formula to growing a business, but there are best practices you can put into place that increase your chances for success.

Idan Shpizear is the Founder and CEO of 911 Restoration, one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s Fastest-Growing Franchises in the US. Idan is on a mission to help other business owners by showing them common mistakes to avoid and providing tools for them to utilize.

I invited Shpizear to join me on a recent episode of my podcast and asked him what the single biggest mistake he sees business owners make. “A business owner that needs to control everything,” says Idan. “[They are] always in a defense mode. [They] always need to control everything. If you want to control everything and at the same time you are trying to hire a great talent to the company, the great people will not want to join you because [they] will not be able to grow in the company.”

In other words, as business owners we need to stop being the bottle-neck to every decision in the company.

In other words, as business owners we need to stop being the bottle-neck to every decision in the company. It’s hard when you founded the company and started off doing every job. But to grow as an organization you have to hire great talent and trust the talent to do their job. Give people an opportunity to prove themselves to you.

Idan says you have to evolve as a business owner. “If you’re not growing as a person, how do you expect your business to grow?”

Part of the growth is focusing on the one or two areas you are strong in and hiring a team to handle the rest of the tasks. “What most people do is they are trying to be good at everything,” says Shpizear. “But you cannot be good at everything. It’s not school.”

One of my mentors gave me some practical advice in this area. There are three categories of work. The first category are tasks that you love to do, and at which you are great at doing. The second are the things you can do and do well, but you don’t enjoy. The third are the tasks you can do, but you are not great at and frankly don’t like doing. When you grow, hire for the third category first, then the second, and focus on the tasks you are great at and enjoy doing.

Here is a great test of your leadership. Do you feel like you can take time off and the business will continue without you? Or does your staff wait for you to return or call you on vacation in order to move forward with a decision?

Stop trying to have all the answers and start impowering your team to grow. While there are no guaranteed successes in business, you do have guaranteed failures.

You can reach Idan Shpizear at or

Scott Miller is the CEO of Centerpost Media and host of the Create, Build and Manage Radio Show and Podcast. You can find Scott on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter via “@scottmillerceo.” Centerpost Media is a marketing agency with a vision to help every business they encounter with their media needs by providing outstanding quality, service and value. Centerpost Media is the parent company to BizTV, BizTalkRadio, BizTalkPodcasts and Bizvod. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]