09 Feb Show The World That You Are A Rockstar
I ran across a great quote the other day from Robert Rose: “Marketing is telling the world you’re a Rockstar. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one.”
The concept of content marketing is not new. According to the Content Marketing Institute, it simply means creating or producing content to attract a clearly defined audience for the purpose of selling a product. If you write a book, start a podcast, host a radio show, or start a blog, all of these are examples of content marketing.
One of my favorite sitcoms is Last Man Standing staring Tim Allen. Allen plays Mike Baxter, a dad of three girls who is a business partner of a chain of outdoor stores called “Outdoor Man.” Mr. Baxter uses a Vlog (video blog) to create content and draw in an audience that would be interested in buying products at the fictitious store. That is content marketing.
An overused but true statement is, “people do business with people.” This is particularly the case with small to medium sized companies. The concept behind content marketing is to market yourself as a brand, in addition to marketing your company.
For business leaders or salespeople, marketing yourself as a brand can be hard to wrap their minds around.
Ask this question: “Who knows your business better than you do?” If you started your business, you are the expert. If you run the business, you are the expert. If you have been trained and trusted to sell the business, you are the expert.
Think about some examples in your own life. Do you return to a restaurant or coffee shop when you know the owner? Do you shop at a place of business because you have gotten to know the staff? Do you buy a product or service from a salesperson who you feel has your best interest in mind?
The key is to allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone and let current and prospective customers see that you know what you are talking about!
One practical example is creating a video that you can put on your website and push out on social media. According to Forbes Magazine, 88% of internet users will spend more time on a website that has video than a website that does not. The same study shows that 64% of internet users are more likely to buy a product after watching a video.
You want the video to be short, no longer than two minutes. Good audio and lighting are key. Also, make sure you come across as relaxed, not too polished. Pro tip: Wear solid colors when on camera.
Start a podcast, radio show or TV show. Crazy idea, right? But that is a very effective way to not only create content to market but also build a loyal following for your brand and your company’s brand. When you are the host, you are the subject expert.
Mass media is still very powerful. Programming can attract your target audience over time, creating a cash cow for your company. As an example, if you own a home repair business, you could create a show demonstrating simple repairs. The show attracts homeowners interested in the content. You are the expert. So, when the homeowner runs into a project too big for their skills, they will remember you!
This creates “cocktail napkin” marketing. When networking for your business, you stand out as more than just another home repair business. You are the person on TV or radio giving advice.
Some savvy businesses create shows that attract their target demo through entertainment. For example, if a company creates a widget and their market research shows that women 18-26 are most likely to buy the widget, they create entertaining content that brings in females ages 18-26 and run advertising for their widget.
This is not a new concept; businesses have been creating shows to drive an audience since the invention of mass media. The soap companies worked with the BBC to produce radio dramas to draw in an audience that wanted to buy soap. When TV came along, they took the concept to video. That is why we call daytime dramas, “soap operas.”
Podcasting can have similar results, if you know how to market them.
Finally, you can create content using traditional marketing ideas like buying an ad on local TV and radio. Is adverting still effective in the age of DVRs and Podcasts? Yes! People still watch live TV and commercials still work. That is why major brand advertisers still spend millions every year on commercials.
The key is matching up the advertiser with programming that draws an audience looking to make a purchase.
There is something VERY powerful about being on TV. Even in 2021, when someone sees you on TV and meets you in person for the first time, they already feel like they know you!
If you are ready to explore the world of content marketing, I highly recommend you work with an agency like Centerpost Media. We help our clients produce high quality videos that bring them direct and indirect results using third-party validation. Simply put, we put our clients on TV and interview them about their business.
We also produce blogs, vlogs, podcasts, radio and TV shows for our clients. Our vision is to help every business we encounter with their media needs by providing outstanding quality, service and value. So, feel free to drop me a line and let us know how we can help you.
Scott Miller is the CEO of Centerpost Media and host of the Create, Build and Manage Radio Show and Podcast. You can find Scott on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter via “@scottmillerceo.” Centerpost Media is a marketing agency with a vision to help every business they encounter with their media needs by providing outstanding quality, service and value. Centerpost Media is the parent company to BizTV, BizTalkRadio, BizTalkPodcasts and Bizvod.